Some of his research interests and ongoing projects include:
Climate change and the new energy futures.
Future development of urban cores regarding revitalisation.
Wicked socio-economic problems.
The future of organisational excellence.
Global trends and future paths of the bio-economy.
Futures literacy for education institutes wordwide.
For 10 years, Markku has been a member of the Club of Rome, one of the most prestigious NGOs in the world. He is also a member of various groups and organisations, including:
The strategic foresight group at the Prime Minister’s office in Finland.
The Finnish Innovation Fund a fund directly accountable to the Finnish Parliament.
The Finnish Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working group.
World Resources Forum
The scientific committee of the World Resources Forum.
Global Challenges journal
The editorial board of the Global Challenges journal.
National Audit Office of Finland
The scientific advisory committee for the National Audit Office of Finland